Gratitude Defeats Envy

3 minute read

Gratitude makes us feel full .

Envy makes us feel empty.

 Out of fullness we see, hear, feel and behave differently than when we feel empty.

 Gratitude is a choice, a habit, a discipline, a joy bringer, a humility helper, greatly enhancing our lives.

Envy may not be so easily understood .

 The dictionary (Oxford Languages) definition is :

 “Envy refers to one’s attitude toward the possessions or attainments of others. It is to feel resentful, begrudging and unhappy because someone else possesses or has achieved what you would like to have, or have achieved.”

 Envy creates a feeling of chronic lack, promoting powerlessness, sadness and a unsatisfied longing that finds difficulty in being genuinely happy for the advancement of others. It is an emotional burden that can keep us heartsick.

 Envy can be used though, to give us information about what we value.

 We can identify it and use it to motivate us to pursue something that we see in others, that we want also, enabling us to move forward with hope and energy, away from envy.

 To move away from envy is to practice gratitude and to focus on our own unique pathway in life, listening to our own heart and what it tells us, about us, rather than about someone else.

 Gratitude becomes a disposition, a way of life, that always has a “thank you” at the ready.

 It places value on what it has, rather than what it does not have. Its focus is on where I need to go and do, not on where others are going and doing. It is a positive and hopeful mindset.

This Gratitude Attitude positions us for increase and growth. It defines us internally and becomes a boundary line within us that is protective .

  The cost of envy is too high. No one can afford it.

  Gratitude is priceless. Choose it today!