New Year’s (Resolution) Alignment

3 minute read

  Alignment by the Oxford Languages Dictionary is:

 “ a position of agreement or alliance”.

  Agreement within ourselves creates flow and motivation and joy.

Alliance suggests a strength that comes from that agreement.

This agreement and strength within us, comes, when what we value and believe are the ingredients that we are building with.

For example, if I value and believe in good health but don’t live a healthy lifestyle then I am not in alignment within myself. There will be something interrupting that agreement and alliance within me. Stopping to become aware of what is the obstacle to what I value, the reason that I veer away in my lifestyle, gets to the heart of my motivation.

Without a compelling vision, and the necessary lining up of my values and beliefs, I will lack the motivation to change or improve my life and may make a resolution to change something but lack the capacity to see it through.

A resolution is a firm and determined decision, which is a great start and knowing, that resolution alone does not have the capacity to create change, may prompt us to look deeper. We can check if there is internal agreement with all the parts of my life. Taking stock of how I feel and for what reason, in a situation, can help eliminate obstacles.

When this alignment is present, (agreement between beliefs, values and action), the green light necessary to go forward with lasting motivation will be there.

New pathways are before us in the dawning of a new year.

Being fully aligned within myself and with the people I love is in itself a worthy goal for the future quality of my life.

The peace and prosperity of heart that attends this internal agreement will  flow over into the emotional, relational and performance parts of my life.

  Let your resolutions be grounded in your alignment.