3 minute read

  What are the components of love?

 Do we hit the mark by relying on our emotional response only ?

 Not one but two essential qualities cover the whole essence of love .

 We can’t have one without the other and arrive at love.

                            LOVE = FREEDOM + RESPONSIBILITY  

                           ( At the same time/ joined together)

With only one of the ingredients it’s like aiming for north and hitting south.

Did you notice the joined together/ at the same time part there?

  No freedom = no love… and … No responsibility = no love

Freedom is fluid like a river, not being under the control of another, but free to think and do from the inside out, led by desire.

It is designed to operate with truth and structure beside it. It promotes creativity and relationships that have space to grow. It is visionary and makes room for the heart to operate.

Responsibility on the other hand is like the banks of a river, keeping things safe, providing truth and structures to enable a desired outcome.

It is designed to operate beside freedom so that it stays connected to the emotional heart of people. It needs vision and relationship to keep it healthy.

There are other words that mean the same as Freedom and Responsibility in this context.

 We could say:

·      Relationship and Structure

          ·      Grace and Truth

  ·      Love and Limits

  ·      Beautiful and Functional

We as humans tend to lean to one or the other inherently. Understanding the essential need to have both working together at the same time, will make all the difference to our relationships and our performance in life.

   Let’s keep ‘em joined!