Let’s Be Clear!

3 minute read   

  Forgiveness, Reconciliation and Trust.

These are powerful things in life .

Though powerful in their own right, when mixed up together, they lose the ability to hit their own special spot which in turn creates a watered down experience of the power hidden in each.

  Let’s take a closer look.

   Forgiveness is about the past.

It is vital that we know how to use forgiveness to set ourselves and others free, from torment and toxic emotion that erodes our emotional world, sending its poison into our physical body and the whole of our life.

When we forgive we are doing some important things :

       We are not saying it didn’t matter.

We are saying, that you have hurt my life but I will cancel the debt that you owe me, in order to release myself from being joined to you through injustice, so that it does not stay unresolved in my heart.

* Un-forgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting…

…the other person to die!

* Forgiveness is like being in a tug of war. If I drop the rope …

… the war is over !

  Reconciliation is about the present.

It is an agreement between two people .This is not always possible. It requires a new platform. It cannot be built on the old. No change in the people, means no hope of a better relationship and more of the same can be expected.

Trust is about the future.

Trust is essential in all relationships. Broken trust in relationships is the highest priority to attend to. I can forgive a person for the past but it can be harmful to keep trusting that person into the future when there has been no lasting change, or sorrow for the hurt.

Honest and self-controlled communication, with myself and with those involved where possible, pays great dividends.

( ‘How To Have That Difficult Conversation’ by Henry Cloud and John Townsend August 4th 2015)

  Hope that’s been helpful.