Calling All Parents…

     3 minute read

To be skilled in the art of creating self-control in your children.

Self -Control is the control of myself. It has the capacity to move me toward love and has built into it the restraints of humility, respect and responsibility.

It is not engaged with controlling other people to make life work but to be in control of what’s inside of me, to make life work.

  What are the benefits of being a self- controlled person?

This person is not controlled by other people’s agendas for them. They are free to think and choose for themselves and they make choices that are responsible for their own wellbeing while at the same time, being aware, of their impact on others and the responsibilities of love.

Parents whose aim it is to raise adults who are mature and educated in self- control, will be able to rest in assurance that they have done great work. Their children will give them peace.

They have an in built antennae when those around them are exercising hidden control.

Self- control is at the heart of healthy boundary development.

The ‘Dunedin Study’ from New Zealand has been awarded scientific honours for its study on childhood to adulthood development. The findings indicate that childhood self - control is a predictor of health, financial success and a lack of criminal behaviour among adults .(PNAS Feb 15th 2011)

In some local communities, we have seen an increase in adolescent crimes that are shocking in the way that there is no remorse for the cruelty to their victims with a gang mentality intent on harm.

The related article “The Significance of Self-Control’ reveals that :

  • a self -controlled person has “the ability to regulate their own behavioural, emotional and intentional impulses to achieve long term goals”.( PNAS Feb 7th 2011)

A family system with healthy boundary development works with consequences that teach about reality and the value of the word “no” and its liberating effect on our lives.

Rise up parents and teach your children self-control…

… the stakes are very high.